Evolution of propolis standardization methods
propolis, standardization, methods of analysis, biologically active compounds, flavonoidsAbstract
Topicality. Bee products, in particular propolis, have been of particular interest as an available source of raw materials for the preparation of effective biologically active drugs. For many years, by researches of scientists from different countries and traditional medicine has shown high, versatile pharmacological activity of propolis (anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, etc.). However, the absence of objective pharmacopoeia standardization methods for propolis up to the 1980s hindered the creation and introduction of propolis containing drugs to pharmaceutical production and scientific medicine. Although, in this period apitherapy (the science of treating people with bee products) increasingly shifted to a scientific basis.
Aim. To make a retrospective analytical review of the evolution of propolis standardization methods, including the study of scientific developments in the field of propolis standardization and regulatory documentation that determines its quality.
Materials and methods. Analysis of propolis standardization documentation and approaches to the development of methods for the analysis of propolis biologically active substances.
Results and discussion. This article provides an overview of the research on the chemical composition and physico-chemical properties of propolis. To a greater extent, it covers the work of Olexander Tykhonov – laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, honoured worker of science and technology of Ukraine, honoured inventor of the USSR, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, honoured professor of the National University of Pharmacy. The love of Olexander Tykhonov to beekeeping was the basis for the creation of the public organization “All-Ukrainian Association of Apitherapists”, whose president he was 20 years, as well as vice-president of the Union of Beekeepers of Ukraine, member of the editorial board of the All-Ukrainian Journal “Bee, Health, Apitherapy”.
Conclusions. A retrospective review of the evolution of propolis standardization methods has been conducted. The physicochemical properties of propolis, methods of identification, quantitative analysis of biologically active substances in propolis-curd have been determined. The results of the researches on the development of propolis standardization methods and normative documentation normalizing the quality of medicines, performed under the guidance of Olexander Tykhonov at the National University of Pharmacy have been represented.
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